July 30 Open 18h30 Start 19h00 Tokyo Ochiai JP Soup

Sunday Open 18h30 Start 19h00 July 30 2023
Test Tone presents EXIT STRATEGY vol. 2. Carl joins with Yumiko Tanaka, the great avant-garde shamisen player, in a rare duo performance together. Also on the bill, a Shizuo Uchida + Yoshio Machida duo, and to cap off the evening: Akira Sakata+Joe Thalia+Mitsuhisa Sakaguchi+Cal Lyall. Should be a great evening!


2500 yen (includes 1 drink)

3-9-10 Mikasa BLD BF1 Kamiochiai Shinjuku-ku Tokyo
東京都新宿区落合3-9-10 三笠ビルBF1
Map (English) at here
Map (Japanese) here
WEB: http://ochiaisoup.web.fc2.com/schedulethis.html