2016 年 9月 10 日 (土) 開場 21h00 21h30 ハンブルク [ドイツ] Westwerk

2016 年 9月 10 日 (土) 開場 21h00 21h30

REALISTIC MONK Hamburg debut performance. Westwerk is a gallery. Westwerk is a club. Westwerk is an old building in the centre of Hamburg. Westwerk is a group of artists and creatively minded people who maintain and programme this location as an off-space, an art gallery, a music club, a site for installations, performances, readings and events on the ground floor of an artists’ house located in an old building in the middle of Hamburg’s city centre. Realistic Monk concentrates on smaller sounds, sometimes at the edge of perception, encouraging concentrated listening as they create deep soundscapes that emerge out of voices, noises, field recordings and acoustic feedback.


  • REALISTIC MONK (Carl Stone & Miki Yui)

料 金: 10EUR/8EUR

Admiralitätstr. 74 20459 Hamburg
地図 : http://www.westwerk.org/hier.html